[Save the dates] Upcoming Seminars in Toronto – July 24 & August 3

July 18, 2017 | Win Global

Let me invite you to our upcoming seminar ‘How to Start Your Export & Import Business from Scratch’ on July 24, 2017 (Monday) in Toronto, ON. You’ll be able to ask any questions about international trade, export or import. It will take place at the following address: 489 College Street, Suite 100 Toronto, ON, M6G 1A5 Canada.

Workshop July 24, 2017 – Learn more & register here.

If you’re unable to join us on July 24, you have an opportunity to attend a great evening event on August 03, 2017. A Meetup group ‘Global Trade Enthusiasts’ kindly invited us to their free event. We’ll talk about basics of international trade, precisely, taking the first steps in international trade, as well as answer the questions you have regarding exporting and importing.

Meetup event August 03, 2017 – Learn more & register here

Busy on these dates? Send us your questions by replying to this email, and we’ll try to help you out.

Best Regards,
Igor Chigrin, CITP
Export & Import Consultant

Win Global Partners
Help your local business become global

igor@winglobal.ca | www.winglobal.ca
+1.647.800.7233 office

***Find more: Products | Coaching | Workshops | Consulting for Exporters & Importers