[Video] First Steps in International Trade – Meetup on Aug 03, 2017

Thanks to all of you for coming to our Meetup event on August 03, 2017 in Toronto, Ontario.  Also, we thank a Meetup group ‘Global Trade Enthusiasts’ who kindly invited us to their free event. I hope it was an informative session for you.

We talked with you about basics of international trade, precisely, taking the first steps in international trade, as well as answered the questions you had regarding exporting and importing.

If you missed it, but are still interested in starting or developing your export & import business, then the following 15-20 minutes videos will be useful for you. 

First Steps in International Trade (Workshop Recording – Part 1)

First Steps in International Trade (Workshop Recording – Part 2) 

First Steps in International Trade (Workshop Recording – Part 3) 

These video recordings, made during the last Meetup event in the beginning of August, will help you answer most common questions that new importers and exporters have. So, don’t delay, watch them now and subscribe to our Youtube channel!

If you still have unanswered questions after watching those videos, then simply send them to us and we’ll try to help you out.

Best Regards,
Igor Chigrin, CITP
Export & Import Consultant

Win Global Partners
Help your local business become global

igor@winglobal.ca | www.winglobal.ca
+1.647.800.7233 office

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