Export & Import Consulting for Businesses

Global sourcing solution connects businesses with reliable suppliers, helping them streamline their procurement process and achieve cost savings. With our extensive network and expertise, we ensure that you can source quality products globally, tapping into new markets and gaining a competitive edge. Whether you are a small business or a multinational corporation, our Global Sourcing Service offers tailored solutions to meet your unique requirements.

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Hit or About to Be Hit by the Tariffs or Sanctions?

Don’t allow your business to be the next victim or the trade wars. Diversify your supply chain and export markets! Fill out the form on your right to reduce the damage of the tariffs or safeguard your business from the devastating consequences of the trade wars.

  • Supply Chain Diversification Strategy
  • Export Market Diversification Strategy

What You’ll Get

A completed report for your export or import consulting project with all the necessary practical information, findings and recommendations ready to use for your next steps to enter the international market in a time- and cost-effective way.

Tools We Use

Product selection
Export or import market selection methodology
Primary & secondary research
Planning & forecasting
International legislation acts research
Background, reference
and credit check

Consulting Solutions
for Exporters

Export readiness assessment for new exporters
Export market selection
Export strategy selection
Export market size calculation & research
Selection of the product to export
Identification & research of applicable trade barriers
Customized export consulting solutions are available upon request here.
Export performance assessment and improvement for established exporters
Export market entry planning (international business plan – click here to learn more): product adaptation, price calculation in Incoterms® 2020, distribution, branding and promotion plan development
Compliance reports for exporters – harmonized system codes (HS code), customs duties, taxes, trade barriers, labelling requirements and packaging requirements

Get Help With Your Export & Import

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Consulting Solutions
for Importers

Sourcing strategy selection
Demand planning
Selection of the product to import
Import readiness assessment for new importers
Import (sourcing) market selection
Due diligence on foreign suppliers
Identification and research of applicable trade barriers
Establishing global supply chain: sourcing markets and foreign suppliers’ selection
Import performance assessment and improvement for established importers
Customized import consulting solutions are available upon request here
Compliance reports for importers – harmonized system codes (HS code), customs duties, taxes, trade barriers, labelling requirements and packaging requirements.

Get A Quote for Your Export or Import Consulting Project Now

It’s free. We’ll get back to you within two business days. An initial, no-obligation phone or Skype consultation is available. We can aslo sign a non-disclosure agreement upon request.

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Our Recently Completed Projects

International Business Strategy Selection & International Business Plan Development

The plan included analysis of the specific capabilities and focus areas of the firm. Based on those niche capabilities, an indirect export development strategy was recommended. The action plan to increase indirect export sales by partnering with larger automation firms was developed. Industrial Automation Firm, Midland, ON, Canada.

Product Selection, Priority Export Market Selection & Export Market Entry Plan Development

Based on the analysis of the product portfolio, we identified the products with the maximum potential revenue in the international markets. Then, based on target-market demography the priority export markets were selected and a detailed export market entry plan was developed. Furniture Manufacturer, Etobicoke, ON, Canada

International Business Strategy Selection & International Business Plan Development

We developed the strategy and plan for a manufacturer and supplier of products for the mining industry to plug into the global mining supply chains. The in-depth analysis of the company’s capabilities and mining industry supply practices predated the development of the plan. Mining Supplier, Sudbury, ON, Canada

More Reasons to Choose Us Now

We’re recognized

by Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME), Canada’s largest trade and industry association and the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), the Australian Government’s trade, investment and education promotion agency.

We’ve been interviewed

by Rogers TV, RTDS radio station, The Liberal, the National Post, Toronto Business Times, the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) and more.

We’ve written and created

several books, brochures and charts

More here

We’ve delivered

multiple workshops

More here

We’ve received great testimonials

from clients

More here

Delivery Time & Fee

Delivery can be from two weeks depending on the chosen solutions. We offer both hourly rates and fixed-price options to our clients. The payment schedule is negotiable. Discounted rates are applied for multiple target or source markets.

Are you a Canadian business? Click here to ask us about Government funding for your export market expansion projects.

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