Recognizes and supports new Canadians’ business efforts
It was an impressive group of business leaders and immigrant entrepreneurs who came together to celebrate the inaugural Most Promising Immigrant Entrepreneur Award winners of Connect Legal.
Paul Sy, senior manager, client strategies, Royal Bank of Canada; Imtiaz Seyid, VP, South Asian and Middle East markets, Royal Bank of Canada; Amir Tehrani, head, client strategies, Royal Bank of Canada.
Connect Legal, founded by lawyer Marion Annau, fosters entrepreneurship in the immigrant community by providing legal educational services and pro bono commercial legal assistance to low-resource immigrant entrepreneurs.
Stats about immigrants and new business show that despite on average being highly educated, immigrants have lower employment rates than native-born Canadians, which cause many to turn to selfemployment.
The Maytree and Metcalf Foundation Report of 2011 found that linguistic barriers, including lack of business, technical and legal vocabulary, prevent immigrants from starting businesses.